| ![]() Send to the Facilitator:
the title of the job position/program being analyzed
a brief job description (job posting)
the completed TTJA Planning Sheet (refer to Segment 3)
the existing task list for the job position or a similar job
a list of all procedures associated with the job
3-5 procedures that describe the tasks involved in the job (or all of
them, if possible and not too bulky)
The confirmation letter you send to all participants (refer to sample in
Segment 2, Appendix E) should include the meeting time and location.
Stress that each team member must be present and participate in all portions
of the seminar. Each team member must also be on time for all sessions,
because people who are late or part-timers who miss some of
the orientation or group discussion may seriously disrupt the proceed-
ings. Send copies of these letters to the appropriate supervisors or
managers. Remember also to confirm the introduction, observations,
and ending by the operating organization manager (welcoming official).
It is highly recommended that you make confirming phone calls to each
TTJA participant (team members, observers, and welcoming official) 5-
10 days prior to the seminar. This provides them with an opportunity to
ask questions and to confirm their plans to attend. If several people
must cancel at this time, there is still time to seek qualified alternates.
The lists on the next page show all items necessary for conducting the
seminar. The Facilitator usually brings the supplies, participant
materials, and instructional materials. The Coordinator is usually
responsible for having "equipment" and "other" supplies available in the
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: November 3, 1994
Coordinator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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