| ![]() commitment to the seminar for the 3 days. It is better to select an alternate
member than to accept someone who will disrupt the process or destroy the
continuity by being there only part of the time.
The purpose of this 3-day TTJA seminar is to develop a task list for the job
Observers are the
position, but it is also to teach the facility training staff how to
developers, trainers,
conduct TTJA. When you discussed this process with training manage-
procedure writers,
ment, you should have solicited names of people to attend the seminar to
learn the process. When contacting them, explain that they are invited to
attend the entire 3-days, take part in the training portion the first day,
and then observe the TTJA process the following two days. The Facili-
tator may ask them to help facilitate portions of the seminar to help them
learn how to conduct the seminar themselves. Training staff will be
given a set of all lesson plans, guides, and materials for them to follow
along as they observe and to use when conducting future TTJA seminars.
(Refer to Segment 2, Appendix C, for sample invitation letter.)
Ensure that the operating organization manager who agreed to serve as
the "welcoming official" understands he/she should drop in periodically
to observe the seminar proceedings. Near the end of the seminar, this
person should attend long enough to show visible buy-in of the results.
(Refer to Segment 2, Appendix D, for sample invitation letter.)
You will need to gather job information and send it to the Facilitator at least
20-30 days prior to the TTJA seminar. A list of this information is provided
on the next page. Prior to the seminar, the Facilitator will use this
information to prepare real-life examples for use during the seminar and to
determine if the procedures will be useful to the team when identifying tasks
for the position being analyzed. Having this
information in advance and during the seminar will greatly enhance the
Facilitator's ability to help the team progress through each TTJA step.
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: November 3, 1994
Coordinator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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