Study the entire Facilitator Guide and all lesson plans
Assign team-teaching responsibilities
Confirm details with Coordinator
Number of job positions to be analyzed during the seminar
Who is providing healthful refreshments
Will a music system be allowed in meeting room
Coordinate computer and printer needs
Who is providing supplies and equipment
Confirm introductions
Obtain job information from Coordinator
Needs Analysis Worksheet
TTJA Planning Sheet
Brief job description
Any existing task list(s) for the job
A task list from a similar position at another facility
-- A list of procedures applicable to the job position
-- Copy of 2-5 procedures that reflect tasks involved in job
To familiarize yourself with the job, create a possible list of duty areas and tasks
for the job position
Build job-specific examples into the "Overview" lesson
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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