The TTJA Checklist is provided on the following pages. The copy you
Use the yellow
should use is printed on yellow paper and is provided in the front pocket.
copy in the front
This checklist is a job aid to remind you of the activities required for
folder as your
adequate preparation, the proper sequence of TTJA steps, and the activities
job aid when
required to conclude the seminar. It summarizes what you read in
preparing for,
Segments 2, 3, and 4, so if you need to refresh your memory as to what
conducting, and
each item entails, refer to Segment 3. We suggest you use a pencil as you
concluding the
check off each item so you can re-use the checklist each time you conduct
TTJA seminar
the seminar.
Under each TTJA item, the checklist indicates the following:
= Perform the action shown
? = Ask the team the comprehension question shown. This is to refresh
the team's memory at a time when they need to apply their knowledge.
-- = Reminders to you that you need not convey to the team
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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