| ![]() Facilitator which materials will be most appropriate for hanging the pages
on the wall (non-marking putty, tape, post-it pads, push pins, staples, etc.).
(Refer to the supply list provided later in this segment.) Note: Due to the
uneven surface, the folding, accordion-style partition walls will not work for
this seminar.
To facilitate interactions during the TTJA seminar, the members should be
comfortably seated so they can easily see and hear each other, as well as
Make sure tables can
read items placed on the wall. The best arrangement is to seat team
be arranged as
members in a semicircular arrangement. The members should actually face
the wall where their ideas will be posted. The tables create work space for
the team members. Observers will also need table space and should be
seated in the semicircle with the participants during the training portion of
the seminar. A small table for supplies should be located at one end of the
The room will need to be equipped with a VHS VCR with a monitor or TV,
Schedule equipment
an overhead projector with screen, two flipchart stands with 4 pads of
flipchart paper, and one small calculator. The Facilitator will need a
portable computer and access to a printer. Make sure you coordinate
computer needs with the Facilitator.
The Facilitator must be allowed to apply accelerated learning techniques
Arrange for
during this seminar. People need to be relaxed, alert, and energized to
refreshments, if
make the seminar a success. To help with this, arrange for healthful
refreshments such as juice, ice water, coffee/tea, fruit, vegetables, crackers,
etc. The Facilitator may bring a music system with appropriate music (if
this is allowed in the facility).
There are pros and cons to conducting the TTJA seminar at the facility
vs. away from the facility. Holding the seminar on-site is convenient if team
members need to refer to procedures, reports, etc., to help them identify the
tasks involved in the job. Holding the seminar off-site will
help reduce work-related distractions and, if people from outside the facility
will be attending, it will reduce the amount of paperwork needed for
security clearances. The guiding principle is to select a room that meets the
criteria listed above, is conducive to interaction, and is free
Check the lighting
from distraction. The room should be located in a quiet area and should
be well-lighted (no dark shadows on the work tables or on the walls) and
well-ventilated. Check the climate control system prior to the seminar.
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: November 3, 1994
Coordinator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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