| ![]() Once all ideas have been written on the flipchart, read each duty area
aloud. Restate that any duty area that cannot be subdivided into six or
more specific tasks should not remain as a separate duty area. Similarly,
a single duty area should not be so broadly stated that it might contain an
Briefly combine or
excessive number of tasks (more than 20). Remind the team to ensure
modify duty areas if
tasks performed under emergency/abnormal situations will be
encompassed under the duty areas they select. Use the consensus
decision-making techniques to ask the team if they would like to discuss,
clarify, or explain any of the answers. The team should identify any
answers they feel can be combined or eliminated because of duplication.
area statements and what to delete, CIRCLE the duty area statement
Use the "circles and
and, with the same color marker, CROSS THROUGH the items that
technique to track
were deleted because of the circled item. For the next statement they
which items were
choose to keep as a duty area, circle it with a DIFFERENT COLOR
"folded" into the
marker and cross through the applicable items with that SAME marker.
chosen statement
This way, in the end, it will show a clear link of where each suggestion
was "folded into" the final choices. [If you run out of different marker
colors, try drawing "clouds" around the final choice (rather than a circle)
and then drawing a squiggly line through the crossed out items (rather
than a straight line).] It will be even more important to use this
technique during Step 4, because that input will be valuable during the
"design" phase of SAT when determining training program content.
W rite each duty area horizontally on a
Co-Facilitator: As the team
yellow 8-1/2" x 11" page and post the
reaches consensus on each duty
pages in two vertical columns down the
center of the wall
area, print each duty area
Follow these
statement (the "circled" items)
guidelines when
writing the duty area
horizontally on a separate piece
of yellow 8-1/2" x 11" paper.
Use a wide-tip, black, permanent
marker that does not bleed
Fuel Storage
Post the duty area
Tank System
W ater System
through the paper. Write legibly
statements in two
and make the letters at least 1"
vertical columns
Heating and
down the center of
tall so all team members can
the TTJA wall
easily read the page once it is
posted on the wall. After writing
a duty area on a page, prepare
the page so it can hang it on the wall, using the guidelines described in
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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