| ![]() Step 1 of this segment. Hang the duty area pages in two vertical
columns down the center of the wall. Note: Wall space will be at a
premium, so place the pages very close together, but do not tape them
Do not belabor the revision process at this point. Let the team know
they will be able to make further changes later in the process, if needed.
Review Information with the Team
Since this step will require the most effort, you can increase the team's
efficiency in identifying all of the tasks within each duty area by
reminding the team members of some key points regarding tasks and task
As needed, refer team
members to the job
First, review the criteria for a task and criteria for a well-written task
aids showing criteria
statement. These are provided in the "Workshop" section of the
for tasks and criteria
Participant Manual as a job aid for team members to use as they identify
for task statements
tasks during this step. They are also shown here for your convenience.
Team members
Is a trainable chunk of work
should attempt to
Has identifiable beginning and end
apply these criteria as
they silently generate
Involves several elements
their task lists during
Results in an identifiable product, service, or decision
the Nominal Group
Can be performed over a short period of time
Can be performed independent of other work
Can be observed and measured
You must help the
team further apply the
criteria as you obtain
group consensus on
each task statement.
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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