| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
Instructions--Review the guidelines below, and check off each as they are accomplished:
1. Gaining and maintaining attention and motivating the trainee:
a. Appeal to known interests of the trainee.
b. Relate the instruction to short- and long-term goals of the trainee and training program.
c. Change the media and schedule break periods during lengthy segments of training.
2. Informing the trainee of the learning objectives:
a. Address the learning objectives in clear, concise language; and if necessary, illustrate them
in a variety of ways to clarify misunderstandings and for added emphasis.
b. Relate the value of the learning objectives to job performance.
c. Explain the enabling objectives and how they relate to mastery of the terminal objective.
3. Eliciting recall of prerequisite knowledge:
a. Stimulate the recall of previous learning and relate it to new information.
4. Presenting the training material:
a. Use appropriate media to provide a visual demonstration of the information.
b. Present statements of new information in a meaningful context and logical sequence.
c. Provide examples and periodic review or summaries.
d. Provide for proper timing and sequence within and between skill events, and break the
events down into manageable steps.
5. Providing learning guidance:
a. Provide features of the job environment that will aid in retention of the information,
concept, or rule.
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