| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
b. Provide opportunity for the trainee to apply the concept or rule in a variety of new
c. Identify each skill step, its performance, and its relationship to the overall skill event.
6. Eliciting mastery of the learning objectives:
a. Ask the trainee to state or write the information or to perform the skill event.
b. Ask the trainee to apply the rule or concept in an unfamiliar situation.
c. Monitor trainee progress.
7. Eliciting performance feedback:
a. Identify to the trainee what is wrong or omitted from the information, concept, or rule.
b. Provide assessment of performance and reward promptly and frequently during early
training, and occasionally during later training stages.
8. Evaluating trainee performance:
a. Ask the trainee to restate the information, rule, or concept.
b. Ask the trainee to originate a situation and apply the rule or concept.
c. Ask the trainee to perform the skill in accordance with the standards of performance.
9. Enhancing retention and transfer of training material:
a. Provide time for repetition and rehearsal of the information, concept, or rule.
b. Provide the opportunity for application of the rule or concept to a variety of job
c. Provide periodic practice for infrequently used skills.
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