| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
Instructions--Review the following guidelines as a basis for classroom application, and check
off each item as you become familiar with each event:
1. Cover Page
a. List lesson plan number and lesson time.
b. List all references; name and number all training aids.
c. All objectives are clearly written and are measurable.
2. Introduction
a. Introduce yourself; establish credibility.
b. Identify ground rules:
(1) Break/lunch, location of restrooms, smoking policy
(2) Note-taking, handling of questions, trainee evaluation(s).
c. Motivate trainees:
(1) Stress WIIFM; explain purpose of the class
(2) Relate actual job experiences; use vivid examples.
d. Review objectives and give overview of lesson.
3. Body (What will you train?)
a. Organize and train to lesson objectives.
b. Mention enabling objectives when covered.
c. Use internal summaries--have trainees assist in summarizing.
d. Repeat new information three to six times during the lesson.
e. Make content interesting:
(1) Use examples and analogies; relate to actual job
(2) Incorporate a variety of visual training aids.
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