| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
This rating scale provides an example for development of a five-part rating scale. Each descriptor builds on
the previous one, thus providing a progressive rating from Low (1) to High (5). The specific application of this
rating scale is to evaluate instructional materials with regard to their support of the lesson's learning objectives.
The material is arranged so that the indicators are grouped according to the competency which
they define. Each indicator is followed by a general comment which clarifies the intent of the
indicator. Key points in the descriptors and corresponding examples are also provided in an effort
to make evaluating the competency and indicator easier. Rate the indicator by circling the
appropriate descriptor number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
Instructor's Name:
COMPETENCY: Uses instructional techniques, methods, and media related to the objectives.
INDICATOR: Uses instructional materials that provide learners with appropriate practice onobjectives.
(The focus of this indicator is on materials such as texts, lab equipment, etc., used by individual trainees. This
may be left blank in some situations. This indicator requires reference to the instructor's plans since the focus is the
match of materials with objectives.)
Scale of Descriptors
Materials chosen are irrelevant to the topic or
objectives, or no materials are used when it would
have been appropriate to do so.
Materials chosen are related to topics, not objectives.
For example, the objective may state "distinguish
between gamma and beta radiation," but the list used
includes many other radiation types.
Most materials chosen are relevant and provide for
practice on specific objectives. Some of the practice
may be insufficient in quantity to achieve the
Materials chosen are relevant to the objectives.
Trainees are given ample opportunity to practice the
In addition to Item 4, formal or informal progress
assessment techniques are used to determine whether
the practice individual trainees receive is sufficient.
Classroom questions may be an adequate basis for
a 5 rating if Descriptor 4 is observed. However,
simply asking "Any questions?" is not sufficient
for a rating of 5.
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