| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
Equipment and tools used during performance tests should be
available and in operational condition;
Written tests should be corrected, graded, and reviewed with the
trainees in a timely manner to enhance benefits derived from the test;
In performance tests, deficiencies should be identified, a grade given,
and the trainee advised of the results promptly.
Trainee performance and progress toward achieving mastery of the learning
objectives should be monitored closely. Monitoring should identify
satisfactory performance and trends that may indicate potential problems.
Trainees should be counseled periodically to review progress and at any time
when deficiencies occur. Counseling should address trainee performance
strengths and/or deficiencies and include a plan for improvement, if needed.
The trainees' supervisor(s) should be kept informed of trainee progress and be
involved in counseling when performance problems warrant.
Standards for evaluating trainee performance should be applied consistently.
Trainees should not be permitted to complete the training program or
progress to another segment of training until deficiencies have been corrected
and the training standards met. A program of remedial training or recycling to
previous segments of training can be beneficial in correcting trainee
performance deficiencies. Remedial training is a cost-effective alternative to
removal from training.
During training, data should be collected for subsequent use in evaluating and
improving training program effectiveness. Evaluation information is collected from
test performance data, instructor critiques and trainee critiques. Evaluation of the
training program is addressed in the process. If the above data sources indicate
recurring problems or suggest the need for improvement, follow the analysis and
revision process outlined in Section 6.0 of this Handbook.
5.2.1 Collect Test Performance Data. Trainee test scores should be used to
assess trainee progress and improve training and testing effectiveness. If a
large number of trainees experience difficulty with a training segment, as
reflected in their test scores, the training material or test items may be faulty
and in need of revision. An exception analysis (see Evaluation Section 6.2.2,
Conduct Exception Analysis) should be conducted to evaluate test data
before revisions are made. Progress test and post-test scores should be
compiled routinely during training. After the test scores are tabulated in a
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