| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
Interjecting competition with self or others (e.g., accelerated pace,
added skills an employee can use, new equipment the employee can
operate/maintain, peer group recognition).
An effective training environment also requires that the trainee exercise good
listening habits. The instructor should use the following methods to improve
students' listening habits:
Directing attention to the material being presented and eliminate
Relating material being presented in personal terms and to personal
experiences of the instructor or the students;
Using learning objectives to organize ideas; and
Reviewing and summarizing the main idea(s).
Meanwhile, students should be:
Evaluating the material only after the facts have been presented; and
Asking questions when they are uncertain or confused.
5.1.4 Evaluate Trainee Performance. Trainee performance should be evaluated
regularly during and at the completion of the training program. Evaluation
measures trainee progress and provides performance feedback to the
instructor and the trainees that serves to reward success and identify needed
improvement in trainee performance. Trainee performance is also used to
evaluate the effectiveness of the training program.
Pre-tests, progress tests, and post-tests are administered as scheduled in the
lesson plan to evaluate trainee performance. The following guidelines should
be used in administering tests:
Security of tests and answer keys should be maintained during storage,
reproduction, and testing of trainees to prevent compromise;
Trainees should be given prior notification of scheduled tests and
materials needed (i.e., calculators);
Instructions to the trainees should include the purpose of the test, the
importance of following instructions, and time limitations;
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