| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
Completion/short-answer format is appropriate for many knowledge
actions verbs, including "recall," "identify," and "list."
Action verbs such as "discriminate" and "select" should be tested
using a multiple choice format.
Learning objectives that require the student to "classify" or "relate"
should be tested in the matching format. See "Test Item Formats"
(Attachment 16) for guidelines of test characteristics.
3.3.2 Determine the Number of Test Items to be Developed. The appropriate
number of test items for each learning objective depends on a number of
factors. Although at least one test item must be developed for each learning
objective, certain considerations justify development of more than one test
item for a given learning objective. For example, tasks used to develop the
learning objectives that were rated at or near the maximum scale of
importance and/or difficulty would suggest a larger number of test items than
those tasks rated near the minimum scale.
3.3.3 Develop Skill and Knowledge Test Items. Test items should be written
after the format is selected and the number of test items is determined. Test
items must have answer keys written at this time.
3.3.4 Validate Contents of Test Items. Content validation is the process by
which test items are determined to be sound and incontestable as to meaning
and correct answer. Each test item should be reviewed by at least three
subject matter experts. Each should agree on what the test item is asking
and the correct response. These validation reviews should be documented.
3.3.5 Incorporate Items into Test Bank for Future Use. A test item bank should
be developed and maintained current. The items in the test bank will be used
in the future to construct entry-level tests, preinstruction tests, progress tests,
or after instruction tests. A tracking system should be developed to correlate
test items to the corresponding learning objective.
The construction of tests at this time is optional. However, tests must be constructed
prior to implementing the training program. Tests are a form of evaluation that
instructors can use to measure the results or effectiveness of their stated objectives.
Test items should be constructed and scored in an objective, rather than subjective,
manner. An objective test can be scored without the exercise of personal opinion.
The length of a test should not exceed the number of test items which could be
answered in two hours by the average trainee. This may require assembling several
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