| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
When evaluating an existing program or a performance deficiency, identify
which enabling objective(s) support each terminal objective. Each should then
be evaluated for correct standards and conditions of performance, for clarity
and conciseness, and for support of the terminal objective.
3.2.7 Determine Scoring Methods. Scoring methods are determined when
constructing the evaluation section of the TES. In some evaluation standards,
referenced procedures may provide detailed, step-by-step descriptions of
required performance, and therefore provide an effective scoring method.
Another method is to prepare a performance checklist that incorporates the
action steps or elements of task performance. The trainee is required to follow
each step, usually without deviation. See Attachment 12. For other tasks,
where strict adherence to procedural sequence may not be required, the
product of performance (i.e., a tangible result) can provide a measurement of
successful task completion. When developing the TES, scorable items must be
clearly defined to distinguish between satisfactory and unsatisfactory
After completion of the TES development, a review of the TES should be done to
ensure that it includes the desired characteristics. For an example, see Attachment
14, "TES Review Checklist."
Test items are developed to be consistent with the learning objectives. The purpose
of the test item is to measure trainee performance against the criteria stated in the
learning objective. The test item development sequence is as follows:
3.3.1 Determine Test Item Format. Test items are developed from the learning
objectives to measure trainee skills, recall, and/or application of information.
Test item formats that are preferred in a performance-based system include
performance, completions/short answer, multiple choice, matching, alternate
choice, and drawing/labeling. Other test item formats may have applications
in specific situations.
Selection of test item format is guided by action verbs of the learning
objectives. Action verbs of the learning objectives suggest one format to be
more appropriate for use in testing than others.
Skill action verbs suggest a performance test format, and knowledge
action verbs suggest one or more of the written formats. For
example, "start" and "shut down" are skill actions verbs that suggest
a performance test format.
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