| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
The implementation activities described in this chapter should be applied based on the status
of an existing program. Some activities are performed only once during implementation of a
training program while others are repeated each time the program is conducted. Activities of
implementation are:
If specified in the Training Development and Administrative Guide, trainees should be
pretested to ensure that they are adequately prepared. Trainee performance should be
monitored and evaluated during training. This evaluation should provide for
recognizing successful performance and areas in need of improvement. The following
steps are performed when conducting training:
5.1.1 Pretest Trainees. Testing of (prospective) trainees should be done if so
specified in the Training Development and Administrative Guide. The type of
testing done is dependent on the design of the program and the needs of the
organization receiving the training.
Entry-level testing is used to determine whether prospective trainees have the
fundamental skills and knowledge needed to participate in the training program.
Such tests are based on the entry level requirements identified in the analysis
and design phases. Passing the entry-level exam indicates a probability of
successful completion of the training. Failing the entry-level exam indicates that
a potential trainee needs remedial training to acquire the fundamental skills or
knowledge for successful completion of the training.
Pretests measure the trainees' mastery of the objectives that are addressed via
the course content. Pretests should be given sufficiently in advance of training
to allow for adjustments to course direction and scope. Pretest results can be
used for the following reasons:
Accelerate or except from segments of training those trainees who
exhibit mastery of specific learning objectives;
Identify overall training program emphasis based on common strengths
and weaknesses of the group of trainees; and
Preview course content and trainee performance requirements.
5.1.2 Prepare for Training. Instructors should prepare sufficiently to ensure
consistent and effective delivery of lessons. Lesson plans should be reviewed to
ensure familiarity with lesson content, equipment and tools, and the use of
media, text material, references, and tests. Technical errors should be
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