| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
A properly developed learning objective should state clearly the condition that will exist at the time
of trainee performance. Conditions of performance define the facility situation, environmental aspects and
resources available to aid trainee performance. Typical conditions may include the following:
Facility operating mode
Safety considerations or hazards
System and equipment status
Tools and materials to be used
References available
Environmental conditions
Problem situations or contingencies (abnormal or emergency).
Learning objective conditions are derived from various job conditions identified during analysis.
When developing learning objective conditions, adjustments may be necessary to reflect the degree of
fidelity that can be achieved in the training setting. For example, job conditions can be simulated with
high fidelity during OJT and simulator training, because they mirror the actual job conditions. When
classroom or self-pacing is used, the learning objective conditions are limited by the constraints of the
classroom or self-paced environment. If an implied condition is used, it should be easily understood by
all who read the objective. Because the learning objective and the setting affect each other, examples of
appropriate settings and the conditions that may be required for the setting are listed in the left-hand
column below. The written learning objectives, that include the required conditions, are listed in the
right-hand column.
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