| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
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A Training Development and Administrative Guide should not be confused with the
facility's Training Management Manual (see Introduction) which outlines the facility
training policies and procedures that guide the development of all training. A
Training Development and Administrative Guide is a management tool for the
administration of an individual training program. It is used to gain management
approval of the program and guide development and implementation efforts. Though
not part of this guide, additional specifications may be developed to clarify and detail
the required characteristics of individual courses or lessons. Approval should include
training management and the management of the organization for which the training
is being developed. An example of this guide is in the Sample Training Development
and Administrative Guide (Attachment 18).
The Training Development and Administrative Guide is not intended to be a large
document. However, inclusion of the course outline could require several pages.
The example outlined in Attachment 18 is just a few pages from each section of an
outline, which is 21 pages in length. The rest of the document should only be a few
pages in length. It should have appropriate signatures indicated for review and
The following discussion outlines the major steps in developing procedures for the
3.5.1 Determine the Training Organization and Administrative
Responsibilities. Each contractor should have training responsibilities
established as a guide for personnel that are responsible for various portions
of the program. Typical questions to be answered are:
Who will develop the lesson material?
Who will perform reviews of material and when?
Who will present the material and document it?
What are the interfaces between the training personnel and the referent
3.5.2 Determine Course Loading and Scheduling Requirements. These are
determined by using training requirements identified during the analysis phase
and the projected availability of new and existing facility employees who will
require training. Course loading and scheduling should be based on the
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