| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Table-Top Training Design
Overview of Table-Top Training Design
Discussion Points
Instructor / Trainee Activity
What is missing from the procedure
that is required to perform the task?
What information in the procedure is
ASK: Might you want to
not clear and requires training?
use this method?
7. Brainstorming and NGT/CDM
a. These methods use a group, such as
yourselves, to conduct content analysis.
b. They can be used in conjunction with the
above methods or alone.
Which of these methods should be used
depends on which can achieve the desired
information more efficiently.
d. Given the training course, brainstorm the
content required for the course.
e. The participants' expertise is vital to
achieving the desired results.
8. Template Method
a. This method can be used when the same
content applies across several topic areas.
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