| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Table-Top Training Design
Overview of Table-Top Training Design
Discussion Points
Instructor / Trainee Activity
3. This is also an opportunity for a management
ASK: What might be a
viewpoint on where development efforts should
management priority and is
it also the workers' priority
for development? (Identify
their response on the
(1 hr 10 min/60 min into
E. Step 5: Determine Course Content
1. This step determines what a new employee
should be taught to enable them to become a
safe, efficient worker.
2. There are several methods for determining the
content of a topic area. These methods
include document analysis, brain storming,
NGT/CDM, and traditional task analysis.
SHOW: TTTD Overview-
3. Combinations of the above methods may be
O-2, Methods.
necessary depending upon the situation. We
encourage you to determine the most
appropriate method.
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