| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Table-Top Training Design
Overview of Table-Top Training Design
Discussion Points
Instructor / Trainee Activity
2. Information to consider include accidents or
incidents that occurred, why they occurred,
what could have been done to prevent them,
SHOW: TTTD Overview-
lessons learned from industry, etc.
O-4, Identify Additional
Using the same tasks as
3. Using brainstorming or NGT/CDM, identify the
above, ASK: What might
regulatory requirements and, as possible,
be some regulatory
industry and facility events that impact the job
required training for your
position being analyzed.
job and these tasks?
(FLIPCHART the result)
(1hr 30min into lesson)
G. Step 7: Identify Applicable Existing Training
1. This step spends some time identifying
possible sources of existing training material.
2. In this day and age of cost savings, we are not
immune. If a course exists and is adequate,
why reinvent the course?
3. If a course exists and is adequate with some
modification, we would still save time and
4. Sources for existing materials include your
own facility, any other DOE facility, Guides to
Good Practices, and GOCO Manuals.
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