| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Systems (General Content):
State the purpose(s) of the _______________.
State that the ____________________ consist of the following components: Include the
function of each.
Define the terms and symbols used with the ___________ (for example, ____________,
____________, and ___________.
State the operational characteristics and capabilities of the _______________ (i.e.,
power, logic levels, capacity, emergency, tolerance, and accuracies when applicable).
Describe the differences between ________________. [Models]
State the security requirements for the _________________________.
Systems (Physical Description):
Describe all major and associated components of the ________________. Include
name, quantity required, physical appearance, location, etc.
Describe displays, controls and indicators directly associated with the
Coming up with or using already constructed templates dramatically
cuts down on the amount of time it takes to determine content for a
training program. And when the content is written in the form of
learning objectives, like the examples above, it eliminates the
performance of this step later. While templates can simplify and
speed up the content analysis process, facilitators should recognize
that most training situations will also require the development of
some unique content. Therefore, be careful in assuming that a
particular template addresses all the knowledge and skills an
employee needs to perform a particular task.
e. Incorporating Various Methods. The TTTD situation may require the
use of all four methods mentioned above. Combining methods based
on observed need is beneficial since the facility may have procedures
for some tasks and not for others. Therefore, document analysis
processes would be used for the proceduralized tasks and
brainstorming for the tasks which have no procedures. There may be
some tasks about which the SMEs are knowledgeable, but others that
are new and about which they know very little. Brainstorming should be
used for tasks in which they have greater knowledge and traditional
analysis for the tasks in which they have little knowledge. Often,
brainstorming the content followed by brief document analysis is
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