| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Simply apply the method that is best based on the determining
criteria. Incorporating different methods is good since it ensures
that the appropriate content will be determined and it also provides
variety to the process, making it seem less tedious to the SMEs.
Step 6 - Identify Additional Content.
Set-Up for Step 6. Ensure that the documents needed for this step are in
the room. Various sources of information that the team should check
a. Regulatory requirements (DOE, OSHA, EPA, etc.)
b. DOE Order 5480.20A
c. DOE Order 5480.19
d. The facility's Safety Analysis Report
e. Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS) reports
f. Documents describing recent facility events
Ensure that enough copies of the documents are available for all
participants to read. The flipchart and markers used in Step 5 will also be
Conducting Step 6. Now that all of the content has been identified, remind
the team from the "Overview" lesson that they need to ensure that they
have not forgotten any content mandated for inclusion in the program by
various requirements documents. State that other content could possibly
be included in the training program due to recent industry events
(accidents or incidents that occurred, why they occurred, what could have
been done to prevent them, lessons learned from industry, etc.).
Using NGT or brainstorming, have the team identify the regulatory
requirements and, as possible, industry and facility events that impact the
job position being analyzed. Divide the documents among participants and
have them examine the documents to identify additional knowledge and
skills. As participants find additional content, have them write it on an
8X11 page and direct you to place the content in accordance with the
a. If the content is already being taught somewhere in the existing training
program structure because it is mandatory, place it on the training
program structure (signs and flipchart page drawings created during
Step 2 of this process).
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