| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
What skills does a job incumbent need to have in order to
perform this task?
Is there any knowledge or skill that should be included from one
of the following areas:
Theory requirements
Interactions with other equipment or systems
Interactions with other personnel
Safety considerations
Write the elements, knowledge, and skills on a flipchart. When the
SMEs feel they have exhausted all element, knowledge, and skill
possibilities, tape the task statement or statements to the content
page for the developer's later use. Proceed with each prioritized task
until knowledge and skills have been determined for all tasks.
Encourage the SMEs to continue to think about possible knowledge
and skills for the tasks even though they may feel they have
exhausted all possibilities. Additional knowledge and skills can be
added throughout the process.
d. Template Method. The facilitators should look for the opportunity to use a
template approach to determining training content. An already existing
template may be used by the facilitators and presented for validation by
the SMEs, or a template may be constructed by the design team.
Contractors subject to DOE 5480.20A should use this method to
determine the content of various training programs. DOE 5480.20A
requires that "Training in the following facility-specific subject areas shall
be included as appropriate to position:" DOE 5480.20A then provides a
list (template) of topics for the facility to analyze for applicability.
The template method provides a simplified process for determining
appropriate content or learning objectives associated with, for
instance, the operation or maintenance of a specified facility system.
Below is an example of a portion of a template for a job which
requires systems knowledge and operation. The system or
equipment name can be inserted in the blanks. Note that it was
determined that the training content for each system, no matter what
the system, involves a knowledge of the purpose of the system and
the components of the system. No matter what the system,
knowledge of terms and symbols associated with the system should
be taught. Operational characteristics and capabilities of the system
need to be included as content, etc.
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