| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Table-Top Training Design
Discussion Points
Instructor / Trainee Activity
a. Training staff who want to learn how to
conduct the training design processes
built into this workshop will participate in
the lessons, but when the actual
STATE: Observers are
workshop begins, they will move to the
not required to facilitate,
tables in the back of the room.
but they may do so if
they wish.
b. They will mostly observe as we conduct
the TTTD Workshop, but they may have
an opportunity to practice facilitating
some of the steps if they wish.
We should all support their efforts and
provide constructive, non-threatening
comments to help them become
excellent facilitators so they can perform
well when conducting future workshops.
However, observers should NOT
attempt to influence the technical
decisions of the group.
5. Observing Procedure Writers
a. The procedure writers may also
participate in the lessons, but will move
to the back of the room when the
workshop begins.
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