| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
The SMEs, supervisor, and safety analyst are the team members who will
use their technical expertise to determine the content of the training
program. The same team members should participate throughout the
entire process (up to 5-6 days). SME Qualifications. Expert job
SME Qualifications
incumbents are in the best position
to explain "what they do."
1. Full-time employee in the job
Therefore, the SMEs selected as
being analyzed
team members should be full-time
2. Perceived as the "role
employees in the job to help ensure
model" for proper job
their knowledge of and familiarity
with all aspects of the job. They
3. Highly skilled and
must be technically competent and
knowledgeable of the job
perceived as "role models" for
4. Aware of new procedures,
proper job performance. They must
equipment, and "lessons
be highly skilled and knowledgeable
of the tasks required to perform the
job, and aware of current
developments such as new
procedures, new equipment, and
facility and industry "lessons learned." In the circumstances where the
job requirements are changing, the position is still under development, or
no expert worker is yet functioning, system engineers/procedure writers
may be used in lieu of SMEs. Supervisor Qualifications. The
Supervisor Qualifications
supervisor should directly supervise
those who perform the job. A
1. Directly supervises the job
supervisor with recent practitioner-
incumbents who perform the
level experience in the job can
provide useful insights and
2. Recent practitioner-level
continuity to the process since he
experience in the job
or she knows what is considered
3. Has good working
"desirable" worker performance.
relationship with job
The caution is to make sure the
incumbents serving on the
supervisor has a good working
relationship with the job incumbents
so the SMEs on the team will not
feel hindered or threatened when
describing their jobs. The supervisor selected to participate on the team
must be someone who will listen to and consider the contributions of all
team members even though the supervisor may disagree on some
discussion points. The entire team must be able to come to consensus
without the supervisor's opinion bearing more weight than the other team
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