| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Set up for Step 6 by the following:
Set up a flipchart stand with a pad of paper at the front of the room.
Have at least 2 or 3 different colored felt-tipped markers in-hand.
Ensure that various sources of information are available including:
Regulatory requirements (DOE, OSHA, EPA, etc.)
The facility's Safety Analysis Report
ORPS reports
Documents describing recent facility events
Summarize the process of Step 6 and the end product(s) desired.
Use Nominal Group Technique to have the team identify additional
content within the above documents.
Use document review and brainstorming techniques as appropriate.
Have each team member silently generate a list of content.
During round robin, write their suggestions of content on a flipchart.
Have the team evaluate the content (regarding level, etc.).
As the team reaches consensus, write the content on the flipchart page
and place it in accordance with the following criteria:
If the content is already being taught somewhere in the existing
training structure because it is mandatory, place it on the training
program structure (flipchart page drawings created during Step 2 of
this process).
If the content is not being taught currently, place it on the most
applicable content analysis flipchart page (with previously-identified
content); when necessary, establish it as a separate lesson or course.
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