| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
b. If the content is not being taught currently, place it on the most
applicable content analysis flipchart page (with the previously-identified
Write an appropriate identifying number on the top corner (along with an
"R" to indicate it is a regulatory requirement) on separate 1X2 Post-it
notes for each content area identified during this step. If the regulatory
requirement also states the frequency that the content area needs to be
taught, add that on the Post-it note.
Step 7 - Identify Applicable Existing Training.
Set-Up for Step 7. Set up a flipchart stand with a pad of paper at the front
of the room where all participants can see it. The facilitator will need a few
different colored felt-tipped markers.
Conducting Step 7. NOTE: Identifying applicable existing training that
can be utilized during future development efforts may actually take
place sporadically throughout the entire design process. For instance,
when the team is deciding on the topics that will be a part of their
training structure, a particular course that may teach the information
under that topic may be mentioned. When this happens at any time
during the process, immediately make a note on a 6X4 Post-it and
attach it to the topic. The note should read something like, "Check
[course title] for possible training materials."
Even though identifying possible existing training materials can take place
throughout the entire process process, it should be conducted as a
separate step as well in order to focus the step and ensure that all
possibilities have been exhausted.
Therefore, remind participants from the "Overview" lesson that the
purpose of analyzing existing training materials is to save time and
money, to avoid duplicated efforts in design and development, and to
improve the quality of the lessons.
Using NGT or brainstorming, have the participants identify sources
where existing training materials might be found. Have the team identify
internal sources first, including possible material from other training
departments at their site including operations and maintenance divisions,
supervisors, and engineering and design departments.
List all of the possible materials on a flipchart. Use consensus decision-
making to decide which materials would be useful and eliminate those
which are not. When the team comes to consensus regarding particular
course materials, as stated above, make a note on a 6X4 Post-it and
attach it to the topic. The note should read something like, "Check
[course title] for possible training materials."
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