| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Next, using NGT or brainstorming again, have the participants identify
external sources where existing training materials might be found
including possible material from:
a. The DOE Training Coordination and Assistance Program
b. Other DOE facilities
c. Commercial utilities
d. Vendors
e. Training Resources Data Exchange (TRADE)
f. Vocational education programs
g. Technical trade schools
List all of the possible materials on a flipchart. Use consensus decision-
making to finalize the list of material. Again, attach a 6X4 Post-it note to
the topic identifying the course as a possibility.
Point out that for now, this step must end. However, analyzing the
materials that have been identified must continue later. One or two
SMEs and an instructional technologist will need to complete the
following steps before the existing materials are approved for use:
a. Gather the training material.
b. Analyze the training material.
Are the objectives clear?
Are the tests appropriate?
Is the material user-friendly?
c. Summarize the analysis and make recommendations for how to use
the material.
d. Document the results.
Step 8 - Write the Learning Objectives.
Set-Up for Step 8. Directions on how to set-up for Step 8 are included in
the "Writing Learning Objectives" lesson plan (Addendum F).
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