| Exhibit 2.6.1
Audit work to verify that all safety and health related clauses in the contract are being
Conduct regular safety and health review meetings with the subcontractor's site
manager that include review of incidents, status of documented inspection items
needing correction, status of concerns raised during the safety meeting, and any other
concerns the contact administrator has about the subcontractor's safety and health
Counsel and stop work, if necessary, if the subcontractor is working in an unsafe
manner. If work is stopped, the subcontractor will not be allowed to return to work
until the unsafe practice is corrected. The site contact will notify the subcontractor, in
writing, of the unsafe practice and will require the subcontractor to submit a report as
to why this unsafe practice was allowed to occur and what steps have been taken to
prevent recurrence. Delays resulting from these work stoppages may be considered a
breach of the subcontractor's contractual obligations.
2. Maintain Safety Statistics for Subcontractor Injuries
Each subcontractor shall submit monthly safety reports with monthly and cumulative
accident statistics.
3. Accident Report
Each subcontractor shall be required submit written reports of all events resulting in or
having the potential for injury, damage or loss to the GOCO facility's safety department
with immediate notification to the site contact responsible for the subcontractor's
If the incident involved an injury requiring medical treatment or has the potential to cause
a serious incident, the site contact and the GOCO facility's management will meet with
the subcontractor to discuss the incident and means to prevent recurrence.
4. Monitor Training
The GOCO facility shall establish a control point to monitor subcontractor personnel
entering the facility to ensure that no new employees are brought onto the site without the
required training.
5. Specific Job Instruction
For hazardous operations, the site contact and the subcontractor shall develop a work plan
(i.e., job safety analysis, safe job procedure, etc.) and go over it with all personnel doing
the hazardous work. Work shall not start until everyone how to accomplish the work
Performance Evaluation
1. Performance Reports
Upon completion of the project, the site contact shall submit a performance report on the
subcontractor's completed project, discussing safety, work quality, schedule adherence
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