| ![]() Exhibit 2.6.1
2. Safety and Health Rating System
A subcontractor safety and health rating system should be developed to help in evaluating
the subcontractor's ability to safely perform the specified work.
Pre-Job Safety and Health Meeting
1. Discussion of Specific Safety and Health Requirements
GOCO facility management shall specifically discuss safety, unusual hazards, training,
documentation, and permit requirements with the subcontractor's site management
personnel, who will be directly responsible for supervising the contracted work.
2. Verifying Training Requirements
The DOE contractor management shall review subcontractor certifications for required
training based on criteria set forth in the Pre-bid section. Safety and health training for
subcontractor employees can be divided into three components.
Basic job skills training: the skills required to perform a specific task.
Basic job safety and health training: the skills necessary to safely perform the task no
matter where it may be performed.
Plant-specific safety and health training: the skills necessary to safely perform a task
at a specific plant site.
The first two components are the responsibility of the subcontractor and the third is the
responsibility of the DOE DOE contractor.
To fulfill the obligations of the first two training components, the subcontractor shall be
requested to define the training needed to satisfy these components, provide the training,
and certify that the training has occurred, enabling their respective workers to safely
perform their assigned duties. The subcontractor will not be able to start on the project
until these training requirements are met. Also, arrangements will be made with the
subcontractor to schedule the safety orientation that covers plant-specific safety and
health training.
Subcontractor Safety Orientation
Before work begins, all subcontractor personnel, including supervisors and managers,
shall receive the GOCO facility's safety and health orientation. Where this training is not
provided by the DOE contractor, management will ensure that it is conducted and covers
the same site-specific safety and health material that GOCO facility employees receive at
their new hire orientation. Training content and attendance must be documented.
On the Job Control
1. Review Subcontractor Safety Performance
The DOE contractor shall designate a representative (site contact) for each contract
issued to subcontractors performing work onsite. This site contact will have the authority
to enforce the provisions set forth in the contract. The site contact shall be required to
monitor and make regular inspections of the subcontractor's activities as follows.
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