| DOE-HDBK-1103-96
clarified, a determination of the real problem is made, the cause of the problem is
identified, and the most effective solution (training or non-training) is determined. Each is
briefly discussed below.
Basic Needs Analysis Steps. The basic needs analysis steps are:
Clarify the request to determine the problem.
Develop an analysis plan.
Collect data on expecteds/actuals.
Analyze data to determine gaps.
Determine the cause(s) of gaps.
Determine the solution(s) for each gap.
Prepare and conduct briefings on the results.
A Request for Training Is Clarified. The following are example requests for
We need a 2-hour training session on Ladder Safety.
We need a new training/qualification program for our Health Physics
Technicians because this new DOE Order says so.
We need to better-train the maintenance mechanics because they aren't
repairing pumps correctly.
We need to fix our training programs because the Defense Nuclear Facility
Safety Board (DNFSB), Tiger Team, or some other review group criticized
our program again.
We need a refresher course on Total Quality Management because it isn't
being implemented properly by our employees.
A Determination of the Real Problem Is Made. The following are example
problems stemming from training requests shown above.
There have recently been numerous ladder-related accidents.
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