| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1114-98
When personnel performance deficiencies are the result of inadequate training and additional or
improved training could reduce or eliminate these deficiencies.
Individual training needs should be identified by line managers and supervisors with training
organization assistance. This identification of individual training needs may consist of comparing
education, training, and experience to position description requirements, observing on-the-job
performance, or testing individuals.
5.7 Scheduling of Training
Training schedules should maximize learning effectiveness and result in the efficient use of instructors,
facilities, and equipment. Training also should be scheduled to minimize the impact on line organization
Instructor selection and training assignments should be included in the scheduling process. Instructor
assignments should be made on the basis of those with the most appropriate technical competence and
instructional capabilities. Variation in instructional assignments should be considered to develop the
instructor's skills and knowledge.
Training schedules and instructor assignments should be established and published far enough in
advance to permit instructor planning, technical and administrative preparation, and material
preparation. Training schedules should also be published sufficiently in advance to permit adequate
preparation and planning by trainees and their supervisors. Schedules should include time for test
preparation and correction, subsequent trainee review, record keeping, trainee assistance and
remediation, and self-study. Schedules should also be flexible to permit adding or changing content or
repeating selected portions based on trainee performance.
5.8 Training Program Delivery
Training programs may be delivered in several ways, including classroom lecture, seminar, discussion,
case study, satellite delivery, interactive-video or computer-based training, individual self-study,
laboratory or simulator instruction, and on-the-job observation and supervised practice. The
instructional method(s) for a particular training program should be selected by the type of learning
involved and the level of proficiency required.
All necessary training materials should be developed and approved before training is conducted.
Training materials promote consistency in training by specifying the method of instruction, learning
objectives, schedule and sequence of instruction, and evaluation methods and standards. However,
training content may be modified to meet the specific needs and limitations of each class. Policies
should be established and control exercised to ensure that training materials are used in a uniform
manner by instructors and that all changes are approved by training supervision or a defined review
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