| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1114-98
assigned responsibilities. Authority should be assigned so that decisionmaking is efficient and should
be established at the lowest effective level. The training organization's responsibilities should include
the accomplishment of training activities required for individuals involved in facility operation and
5.4 Training Staff
The members of the training staff who are responsible for analyzing, designing, developing,
implementing, evaluating, or managing training activities should be properly trained and qualified to
perform these functions. An adequate number of personnel should be assigned to the training staff to
support all required activities.
All training staff members should possess and maintain knowledge (education, training, and experience)
appropriate for their position and the instructional capabilities appropriate for their training function.
Facility line and training managers should establish subject-matter expertise and instructional capability
standards for instructor positions and should qualify individual instructors using these standards.
Detailed guidance on instructor initial and continuing training and qualification is contained in DOE
Guide to Good Practices for Training and Qualification of Instructors.
5.5 Facilities, Equipment, and Materials
Training programs require a variety of resources to deliver effective instruction. Facilities, equipment,
and materials should be provided to accomplish the training mission. There may be a potentially long
lead time required for the procurement or development of many of these resources. These resource
needs should be identified and prioritized so that resources can be applied to the most important project
or activity. Sometimes innovative ideas, such as refurbishing a burnt-out motor in the maintenance
training area, can be implemented to provide cost effective training.
5.6 Development and Revision of Materials
Training program development and modification should be systematically accomplished using the
systematic approach to training. Training program content should be based on the knowledge and skills
required for the job position as determined by a job analysis and the resultant analysis of the tasks
selected for training. The required knowledge and skills should be used to establish measurable
learning objectives. These learning objectives should be grouped and arranged in a logical sequence to
develop the trainee's capabilities. The most appropriate instruction and evaluation methods for the
training should be determined on the basis of the type of learning involved and the level of proficiency
The following are some methods of identifying the need for new or special training courses or the need
to change training materials:
When changes occur in facility equipment, procedures, or job duties
When trainee performance or training program effectiveness evaluations identify new or
changing needs
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