| DOE-HDBK-1139/2-2002
PHAs are performed using the software program Leader 4.0, from EQE International, Inc., in Knoxville,
Tennessee. These analyses typically yield action items that have the potential to significantly affect
safety and recommendations that address minor safety concerns or increased efficiencies. Per the plant
procedure, action items must be acted upon; and recommendations must, at minimum, be evaluated by the
Facility Manager.
The PHA is the definitive analysis for non-nuclear chemical facilities at the Pantex Plant and is used to
supercede all of the previous analyses. PHAs are also used to write the Safety Basis Document for non-
nuclear chemical facilities. This document identifies all of the systems important to safety and the
administrative controls required to mitigate or prevent the consequences of interest as defined in the plant
Pantex has also prepared Specific Hazards Analyses in support of the Safety Basis for Nuclear Facilities.
An example of this is the analysis of a chlorine release from the water treatment plant. This analysis
focused on the effect of a chlorine spill on the operations within Nuclear Facilities.
2.2 Acquisition
Requestors of new chemicals are required to submit a Pantex Form PX-761, Chemical Request Form.
The requestor provides the name of the chemical, its proposed use, estimated frequency and quantity of
use, where it is planned to be stored and used, and any engineering controls and/or PPE that are planned
to be used in conjunction with the new chemical. After the requestor's portion of the form is completed,
the requestor forwards it to the Chemical Control Committee for review. Following final approval, the
PX-761 is entered into a database that is accessible by all of the procurement personnel on the site. They
routinely check this database to ensure that the item has been approved prior to placing the order.
An item that does not require any excessive reviewer comment or special handling can be processed
completely through the system in 2 to 3 work days. An emergency request can be completely processed
in a matter of hours if all of the necessary reviewers (or their alternates) are available. It is reasonably
rare for any request to take more than 5 work days to be processed. Although this sounds like a long
involved process, the simultaneous review by multiple committee members and the electronic routing of
the form on the Plant unclassified network actually moves the process along rapidly.
2.3 Inventory and Tracking
The Hazard Communication (HazCom) Group maintains approximately 14,000 MSDSs in the Master
MSDS Library. As each MSDS is received, the HazCom Group processes it, examining it for
completeness and correctness. If the HazCom Group finds any errors in the data, they contact the supplier
of the MSDS to alert them to the error. Sources used for comparison of data include National Consensus
Standards, OHSA Standards and Publications and a third-party MSDS Service (MDL-OHS MSDS on
Each MSDS has a unique number assigned to it, known as a P-Number. The P-Number is a six-digit
identifier (five digits and one decimal place) that can be used to track a specific MSDS by the type of
chemical that it represents and the manufacturer or supplier of that product. When there are numerous
manufacturers or suppliers of the same product, the decimal place differentiates them. An example would
be isopropyl alcohol. The first five digits for all isopropyl alcohols are 00518. However, since it is a
fairly common chemical, it is purchased from a number of different sources. The P-Number for isopropyl
alcohol from Allied Chemical Company is 00518.1; the P-Number for isopropyl alcohol from Ashland
Chemical is 00518.3. When there are more than nine manufacturers or suppliers, two decimal digits are
used to continue this logic.
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