| DOE-HDBK-1139/2-2002
before it is introduced into the work area. The Waste Operations Department also reviews the PX-761 for
the following:
If the material is hazardous, is a nonhazardous substitute available?
Will the material affect reporting requirements under EPCRA?
How will the material be disposed of when spent?
Will use of the material affect permits or permitting requirements?
Recycling activities are a preferable alternative to waste disposal at Pantex. When chemicals are
purchased, opportunities are sought to reuse or recycle the material. Many times the material requested
can be substituted with a chemical already approved for use at the Plant.
2.8 Emergency Management
The Pantex Emergency Hazards Assessment (MNL-190881) includes quantitative hazards analyses of
onsite chemicals that exceed either the TQ in 29 CFR 1910.119, or the TPQ in 40 CFR 355 Appendix A.
This document includes hazard identification and characterization, development of accident scenarios,
and consequence analysis using airborne dispersion modeling.
2.9 Disposal
When a container is emptied (and there are specific rules for how to determine when it may be
considered empty) the end user is responsible for notifying the HazCom Group that the container has
been emptied and disposed of. Notification is made using form PX-1447, Drum Inventory of Aerosol
Containers or Empty Containers. The user may either write the 12-digit bar-code on the form or (if
using a newer label) peel off the section of the label in the area of the bar-code and affix it to the form.
When the HazCom Group receives the forms, the written bar-codes are keyed in and the peeled labels
are scanned with a hand scanner. That information is used to update the tracking database. When the
container has been used up and disposed of, the entry is deleted from tracking. At the same time the
historical database is updated to show when the item was removed. With these two databases, we are
able to show what is currently believed to be in the active inventory and what has been in the inventory
over time.
2.10 Training - Not addressed
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