| DOE-HDBK-1139/2-2002
2.5 Storage
Chemicals must be stored and segregated properly. Guidance on storage is obtained from the MSDSs and
input from ES&H subject matter experts. Proper maintenance of chemical storage is validated during
periodic walk-throughs of storage areas.
Aerosol cans containing flammable substances must be stored in FM-approved or UL-listed flammable
liquid storage cabinets. Flammable liquids must be stored in flammable liquid storage cabinets or
explosion-proof refrigerators rather than fume hoods.
All other chemicals must be segregated according to chemical class based on the hazards documented in
the MSDS. Chemical storage classes most often are acid, base, oxidizer, flammables, and others.
Numerous buildings at SNL have centralized storage areas where chemicals are stored and segregated
according to chemical class. Chemicals are moved to the labs or production area on an as-needed basis.
This reduces the quantity of chemicals stored in individual labs and facilitates chemical purchasing
SNL has numerous chemical storage tanks. The CIS maintains an inventory of these tanks. All
Underground Storage Tanks (UST) must be installed according to code by an installer who has been
certified or licensed by the UST Bureau. UST owners must maintain and test leak detection systems
according to the manufacturer's instructions. They also must arrange for and fund UST system
inspections and tests according to the following schedule: tank tightness (5 years), suction piping
tightness (5 years), pressurized piping system tightness (1 year), cathodic protection system (within 6
months of installation and then every 3 years), impressed current-type cathodic protection systems
inspection (60 days)
2.6 Control of Chemical Hazards
The control of chemical hazards at SNL is documented in the Primary Hazard Screen and Hazard
Analysis process for every project or facility. Work-specific technical work documents provide more
detailed chemical hazard controls. Hazard control is based on the hierarchy of controls: engineering
controls first, administrative controls next, and personal protective controls last. ES&H subject matter
experts provide input on appropriate controls to chemical users and their management.
The majority of chemical use at SNL is regulated by OHSA's Laboratory Standard. Managers of SNL
personnel who engage in the laboratory use of hazardous chemicals are responsible for ensuring that
physical hazards and health hazards associated with hazardous chemicals used in laboratory operations
have been identified, evaluated, and controlled. They are also responsible for ensuring that SNL worker
exposures to hazardous chemicals is controlled and does not exceed the OSHA Permissible Exposure
Limits (PELs) or American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit
Values (TLVs). Managers must determine and implement control measures based on hazard evaluations,
which may include monitoring and/or consultation with their Division ES&H Team. Potential exposure
through eye and skin contact is prohibited where specified by any OSHA Expanded Health Standard.
Managers initiate exposure monitoring for beryllium and OSHA-regulated substances (OSHA Expanded
Health Standard) if there is reason to believe exposure levels for that substance routinely exceeds the
action level (or the OSHA PEL or ACGIH TLV in the absence of an action level).
SNL personnel have the opportunity to receive medical consultation if they develop signs and symptoms
associated with a possible exposure to a hazardous chemical when an event (spill, leak, explosion, or
other occurrence) in the work area results in the likelihood of a hazardous exposure and when exposure
monitoring reveals exposure levels that routinely exceed the action level (or the OSHA PEL or ACGIH
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