| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2003
Consolidated Requirements
4.4.3 Calculation of threshold planning quantities (TPQs) for
solids and mixtures
40CFR355.30(e)(1) Extremely hazardous substances that are solids are
subject to either of two threshold planning quantities
as shown in appendices A and B of 40CFR355 (i.e.,
500 or 10,000 pounds). The lower quantity applies
only if the solid exists in powdered form and has a
for an NFPA rating of 2, 3 or 4 for reactivity. If the
solid does not meet any of these criteria, it is subject
to the upper (10,000 pound) threshold planning
quantity as shown in appendices A and B of
4.4.4 Provisions shall be established to adequately assess the
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter IV,
potential or actual on and offsite consequences of an
sec. 3b(5)
emergency. Consequence assessments shall (a) be timely
throughout the emergency; (b) be integrated with the event
classification and protective action process; (c) incorporate
monitoring of specific indicators and field measurements; and
(d) be coordinated with Federal, State, local, and Tribal
4.4.5 A formal exercise program shall be established to validate all
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter IV,
elements of the emergency management program over a multi-
sec. 4b
year period. Each exercise shall have specific objectives and
shall be fully documented. Exercises shall be evaluated using
an established critique process. Corrective actions shall be
identified and incorporated into the program.
Provisions shall be established for prompt initial
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter VIII,
notification of workers and emergency response personnel
sec. 2a
and organizations, including appropriate DOE and NNSA
elements and other Federal, State, Tribal, and local
The 100 micron level may be determined by multiplying the weight percent of solid with a particle size less than
100 microns in a particular container by the quantity of solid in the container.
The amount of solid in solution may be determined by multiplying the weight percent of solid in the solution in a
particular container by the quantity of solution in the container.
The amount of solid in molten form must be multiplied by 0.3 to determine whether the lower threshold planning
quantity is met.
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