| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2003
Consolidated Requirements
organizations. Provisions shall also be established for
continuing effective communication among the response
organizations throughout an emergency. Adherence to notification and reporting requirements
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter VIII,
shall be demonstrated in all emergency management
sec. 3
exercises. Initial emergency notifications shall be made to
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter VIII,
workers, emergency response personnel, and
sec. 4.a
organizations, including DOE and NNSA elements
and other local, State, Tribal, and Federal
organizations. Notify State and local officials and the DOE or NNSA
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter VIII,
Field and Headquarters Emergency Operations
sec. 4.a(1)(a)
Centers within 15 minutes and all other organizations
within 30 minutes of the declaration of an Alert, Site
Area Emergency, or General Emergency. Notify the DOE or NNSA Field and Headquarters
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter VIII,
Emergency Operations Centers within 30 minutes of
sec. 4.a(1)(b)
the declaration of an other than hazardous material
Operational Emergency. Notify local, State, and Tribal organizations within 30
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter VIII,
minutes or as established in mutual agreements for
sec. 4.a(1)(c)
declaration of an other than hazardous material
Operational Emergency. Headquarters Watch Office staff in the Headquarters
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter VIII,
Emergency Operations Center and Headquarters
sec. 4.a(2);
Emergency Management Team personnel shall be
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter VIII,
responsible for the following:
sec. 4.a(2)(a);
Record incoming verbal notifications, receive
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter VIII,
sec. 4.a(2)(b)
emergency event information by other data
transmission means or mechanisms, and
disseminate such information to Cognizant
Secretarial Officer representatives and appropriate
Headquarters organizations of other Federal
Facilitate communications among Headquarters
organizations, DOE and NNSA field
organizations, and contractor personnel. Emergency status reports shall be forwarded to the
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter VIII,
next-higher Emergency Management Team on a
continuing basis until the emergency is terminated.
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