| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2003
Consolidated Requirements
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter VIII,
established between event scene responders,
sec. 4.c
emergency managers, and response facilities.
4.5 Emergency Equipment and Facilities - Provision of facilities and
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter III,
equipment adequate to support emergency response, including:
sec. 3.c(8);
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter IV,
the capability to notify employees of an emergency to
sec. 9.c;
facilitate the safe evacuation of employees from the work
place, immediate work area, or both; and
operable personal protective equipment and clothing (PPE)
to be used by organized and designated HAZMAT team
members, or to be used by hazardous materials specialists.
PPE shall meet the needs determined by the hazards
assessment and the requirements noted in sections 4.5.1
through 4.5.5, below.
4.5.1 PPE shall be selected and used which will protect employees
29CFR1910.120(g)(3)(i) and
from the hazards and potential hazards they are likely to
encounter as identified during the emergency characterization
and analysis.
4.5.2 Positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus, or
positive pressure air-line respirators equipped with an escape
air supply shall be used when chemical exposure levels
present will create a substantial possibility of immediate
death, immediate serious illness or injury, or impair the
ability to escape.
4.5.3 Totally-encapsulating chemical protective suits (protection
equivalent to Level A protection as recommended in
Appendix B of 29CFR1910.120) shall be used in conditions
where skin absorption of a hazardous substance may result in
a substantial possibility of immediate death, immediate
serious illness or injury, or impair the ability to escape. Totally encapsulating suits shall be capable of
maintaining positive air pressure, and preventing
See Appendix A of 29CFR1910.120 for a test method which may be used to evaluate this requirement.
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