| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2003
3.0 Definitions and Acronyms
See Glossary.
4.0 Requirements for Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization
Consolidated Requirements
4.1 Pollution Prevention Policy
DOE O 450.1 sec. 4(a)(1),
planning, execution and evaluation of all site
CRD sec. 1(a)
Federal agencies shall preferentially use pollution
EO 13148, sec. 303;
prevention projects and activities to correct and
prevent noncompliance with environmental
42 USC 13101
regulatory requirements.
Pollution Prevention Programs
DOE and its contractors shall develop and implement a
DOE O 450.1 CRD sec. 9;
pollution prevention program at DOE facilities that
compares the life-cycle costs of treatment and /or disposal
EO 13148, sec.304
of waste and pollutant streams to the life-cycle costs of
alternatives that eliminate or reduce toxic chemicals or
pollutants at the source.
A chemical user who generates hazardous waste
HSWA sec. 3005(h)(i);
must have a program in place to reduce the volume
or quantity and toxicity of such waste to the degree
determined by the generator to be economically
40CFR262, 264-265;
42USC sec. 6922(b) and 6925
All DOE elements (see definition) must ensure that
DOE O 450.1, sec. 4.1.(1)(b),
sites' Integrated Safety Management System
CRD sec.1(a) and 3
(ISMS (see definition) includes an Environmental
Management System (EMS, see definition) that
provides for the systematic planning, integrated
execution and evaluation of programs for pollution
This is an implied or indirect requirement to have a waste and toxicity reduction program. The actual requirement is for a
certifying signature on hazardous waste manifests; on permits for treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous waste; and in
Hazardous Waste Generator Biennial Reports as to the existence of a waste and toxicity reduction program. A violation would
be for false certification of the existence of a waste and toxicity reduction program, rather than for not having the program.
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