| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2003
Consolidated Requirements DOE contractors must reduce or eliminate
DOE O 450.1, sec. 4.b.(3),
the generation of waste, the release of
CRD sec. 2(c)
pollutants to the environment, and the use
of Class I ozone-depleting substances
(ODS), (see definition) through source
reduction, re-use, segregation, and
recycling and by procuring recycled-
content materials and environmentally
preferable products and services.
[NOTE: DOE O 450.1 requires that this
be done as part of integrating EMSs into
site ISMSs.]
Chemical users who generate hazardous wastes are
HSWA 3002, sec. (a)(6)(C)-
required to submit biennial reports describing:
a) efforts undertaken to reduce the volume and
toxicity of waste generated; and
b) changes in volume and toxicity of waste
actually achieved compared with previous
years, to the extent that such information is
42USC sec. 6922 (a)(6)
4.3 Waste Minimization Goals
4.3.1 Contractors shall include goals in their ISMS that
DOE O 450.1, sec. 5.c.(3),
contribute to the accomplishment of DOE P2
CRD sec.1(c) and 4;
EO 13101, sec 601(1)(a) Contractors must reduce waste from
Secretary of Energy Memo
routine operations by 2005, using a 1993
to Heads of Departmental
baseline, for the following waste types:
Elements, November 12,
Hazardous by 90 percent;
Low Level Radioactive by 80 percent;
Low Level-Mixed Radioactive by 80
Transuranic (TRU) by 80 percent.
Releases of toxic chemicals subject to
Toxic Chemical Release Inventory
reporting by 90 percent.
Sanitary waste by 75 percent by 2005
and 80 percent by 2010, using a 1993
Waste resulting from cleanup,
While goals are not required as a part of ISMSs, the EMSs that are required to be integrated into ISMSs include
goals. This requirement refers to the EMS goals that must be included in the ISMSs.
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