| 3) Independent, peer-level or higher,
A. Complexity or controversy surrounding the work warrant
BBC.3, HAZ.2
confirmation of the WSS set is
independent confirmation. [M-2.e]
B. Authorization requirements are tailored to the complexity of the
work. [D-(b),(7)]
C. Authorization requirements are tailored to the hazards of the
work. [D-(b), (7)]
B. Protocols
1) Guidance to teams establishes
A. One benefit of the Process is the enhanced communication
MG.2, BBC.1
target audiences for the results of
among DOE, contractors, and stakeholders that fosters better
Process application.
understanding of the work and hazards, and acceptance of the
WSS. [M-2]
B. The members of the Convened Group shall be selected from
the lowest level of management responsible for allocating
resources and managing the work affected by the WSS set.
C. An implicit assumption for all WSS sets is that a management
system (with clear roles and responsibilities) exists to apply
the standards. [M-III]
D. The SMS (including applicable contract ES&H standards and
requirements) shall be integrated with the contractor's
business processes for work planning, budgeting,
authorization, execution and change control. [D-(e)]
2) Process management establishes
A. Stakeholders, as defined in the Manual, provide individual
BBC.2, HAZ.2
guidelines for interactions with
views, consistent with the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
Stakeholders and the DNFSB.
B. The contractor shall ensure that ES&H functions are a visible
part of work planning. [D-(b)]
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