| DOE-HDBK-1202-97
Identify and respond to different styles of conflict resolution (i.e., compromise,
avoidance, accommodation, competition, and collaboration)
Determine when the inability to resolve conflicts within the team should be
reported to higher supervision or management.
The conflict resolution skills developed in classroom training and through practical exercises
can be reinforced during on-the-job and simulator training and role-play exercises. An
understanding of the causes and benefits of constructive conflict helps the team members
recognize early signs of conflict and prepares them to handle or avoid highly emotional
issues. The resolution of conflict in a professional and timely manner will reduce stress
during situations when the team must focus its energies on controlling a situation.
2.7 Conclusion
In teamwork training, members of the group rely on one another to support their learning.
As such, establishing a higher level of cohesiveness can increase their learning and
achievement. A more people-centered learning environment with a high level of trust, ease
of communication, collaborative atmosphere, acceptance of personal responsibility, and
clear and accepted learning goals is the proper setting for team training. In this sense, the
medium is the message. The way the training is done gives much of the message about
what is to be learned.
Learning exercises should be designed so that successful completion requires collaboration
and constructive interaction among the team. Interdependence regarding materials,
information, roles, goals, and relationships with other groups all can promote the
development of cohesion in the group.
There are many resources available that can be used to develop teamwork fundamentals
training. An annotated bibliography is included in this guide to help direct the research
efforts of the training department.
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