| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
FROM: Approval Authority (Name or title as appropriate)
TO: Selected Team Leader by name and position
In accordance with the requirements of the DEAR, the FRAM [ specify FRA document], and the
associated contract for operation of Site XYZ [ specify the site or facility] you are selected to be
the Team Leader for the Phase II ISMS verification. [ specify the phase or phases for which this
designation applies]
1.0 Description of Facility/Activity: The review will verify the implementation of the ISMS for
operation of all facilities and activities within Site XYZ (XYZ).
2.0 Background and History: The maturity of the ISMS vary among the individual facilities at
XYZ. The contractor's ISMS Description, that was submitted and approved, indicated that four
of the facilities will continue to use the existing SARs, two will use existing BIOs, and the final
two will operate according to an approved set of standards (Work Smart Standards). All
facilities and activities have approved Authorization Agreements. The contractor's ISMS
Description identifies that the site integrated budget and schedule process and the sitewide
maintenance, radiological controls, and emergency management programs will be utilized at all
facilities and activities. The contractor's ISMS Description was approved following the Phase I
ISMS verification. The ISMS Description, as well as the Phase I ISMS verification report and
recommendations, are included as enclosures to this letter.
3.0 Phase II ISMS Verification: You are appointed as the Team Leader for the Phase II ISMS
verification for XYZ. The scope and special considerations of the review are discussed below.
4.0 SCOPE and Special Considerations for the Phase II ISMS Verification: The purpose of
this review is to verify satisfactory implementation of the ISMS Description that was submitted
by the contractor and approved as a result of the Phase I ISMS verification. Many aspects of
XYZ's ISMS are mature and have been the subject of previous implementation reviews. These
reviews should not be repeated as previously identified deficiencies of those reviews should have
been adequately resolved. Several internal programs (e.g., maintenance, environmental
compliance, and calibration control) are mature and have been determined to be satisfactory by
previous independent reviews. These programs are included within this review only to the degree
necessary to ensure ISMS has been expanded into the new facilities at XYZ. The following
specific guidance is provided:
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