| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
prioritization procedures to determine if tailoring of resources is appropriate. Verify that the
budget process allows adequate resources for standards selection, hazard controls, and work
authorization processes to support work planning and scope definition.
Review corporate/site manuals of practice that describe the budget and planning process and
those documents that identify mission requirements, the approval of contractor plans, and
those that address the assignment of budget priorities. Review corporate/site procedures for
formally documenting change control procedures. Review how safety requirements are
included in subcontracts as well as the flowdown of the DEAR clause into subcontracts for
hazardous work.
Select several mission tasks from the DOE programs and planning documents and track the
tasks through the process to evaluate how the above criteria are met. Review future year
planning and current year authorized work. Select several current year authorizations and
track change control. Select several DOE and contractor subcontracts and review for
incorporation of the ISM DEAR clauses.
Interviews: Interview DOE and contractor personnel responsible for management of the
budget process. Interview line managers responsible for Headquarters directed mission
accomplishment. Interview the ES&H manager to determine how the process for integration
of safety into mission tasks is accomplished. Interview managers at selected corporate/site
level to determine their understanding and implementation of the defined process for
translation of mission into work authorization. Interview selected ES&H professionals and
line managers to determine how safety is incorporated into the budget plans and
authorization. Interview DOE and contractor procurement personnel regarding subcontract
flowdown requirements.
Observations: If possible, observe actual budgetary discussions (including meetings involving
the development of the outyear planning documents) within and between DOE and the
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