| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
C A presentation on the Management Systems, Programs, and processes used by the
DOE Operations Office to execute its roles and responsibilities for the ISMS functions
should be provided to the team.
(1) Content of the Presentation. The following guidance is provided for consideration in
developing and preparing for the presentation portion of the review. This information has
proven beneficial as the team enters into discussions with the contractor regarding the ISMS
and helps the team and the contractor to "hone in" on the significant issues during the
presentations and subsequent discussions of the program. It would be beneficial for the Team
Leader to provide the following information, edited as necessary, to the contractor. The
earlier in the verification process that it is provided, the greater the opportunity for productive
discussions during the presentations.
a) A description of the ISMS from the perspective of senior Contractor and DOE
leadership. Address what benefits, if any, are being achieved? How "Line
Management" executes their responsibility and what mechanisms Senior Management
uses to keep the program on track. Some discussions of the organizational roles and
responsibilities should be included.
b) An overview of the ISMS, and identification of the processes that are used to execute
the programs. This presentation should identify those guiding principles that are
useful in the execution of those processes.
c) Discussion of the process utilized for development of requirements such as Lists A
and List B, SRIDs or Work Smart Standards (WSS) and the methods to manage,
control, and verify the flowdown of those standards to actual work requirements. The
discussion should include the seamless vertical integration of the requirements from
the highest level to the most specific aspect of control of individual work items.
d) Following the overview, a more detailed look at each functional area should be
provided. Key principles identified for each function should be as described below.
1. Define Scope .
C Discussion of the budget process.
C Definition of the work.
C Detailed presentation on process of how resources are identified and
C How tradeoffs for resources are executed at site level.
C How shortages are distributed in respect to the safety resources
C Tools (mechanisms and processes) used in each area.
2. Analyze hazards, identify controls and implement controls . Demonstrate what
process is used to execute these functions within nuclear, public, and worker
safety concerns. Demonstrate who is responsible and how the interface
between Nuclear Safety, Worker Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Radiation Control
Safety is executed. Demonstrate the process used for standards development
and change to the required standards. Demonstrate how the hazard controls,
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