| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
MG.1 An integrated process has been established and is utilized to identify and prioritize specific
mission discrete tasks, mission process operations, modifications and work items. (CE II-1)
1. Procedures and/or mechanisms that require line management to identify and prioritize
mission-related tasks and processes, modifications, and work items are in place and utilized by
2. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place and utilized by personnel that define the roles
and responsibilities for the identification and prioritization of mission-related tasks and
processes, facility or process modification, and other related work items. Personnel assigned
to the roles are competent to execute these responsibilities.
3. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place and utilized by personnel that ensure identified
work (i.e.,mission-related tasks and process, processes or facility modification, maintenance
work, etc.) can be accomplished within the standards and requirements identified for the
Record Review: Review the facility or activity long-range planning documentation. This
should include such items as: summary schedules, plan of the week, long-range maintenance
schedules, modification schedule, etc. Review the procedures and mechanisms that line
managers utilize to identify and prioritize mission-related tasks and processes, modifications,
and work items.
Review organizational documentation to determine the personnel positions with responsibility
associated with this objective. Review the position description for those positions. Review
the personnel records that identify the individual qualifications that meet the elements of the
position descriptions.
Review any training or qualification material including in training and qualification manuals
that support gaining or verifying competence to fill the positions.
Review the procedures and/or mechanisms that are utilized by the facility or activity to ensure
that identified work is accomplished in accordance with established standards and
Interviews: Interview management personnel responsible for the identification and
prioritization of work. This should include personnel such as those responsible for long-range
planning documentation, schedule preparation, etc.
Observations: Observe work definition and planning activities such as plan of the week
meetings, long-range scheduling meetings, etc.
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