| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
for this preparation. This was adequate and permitted the contractor sufficient
time to make preparations for the presentations. A two week period for the
contractor to prepare is considered sufficient.
A presentation on the processes used by RFFO was useful in permitting the team
to understand the role of RFFO in the manner in which it executes roles and
responsibilities for the ISMS functions and principles.
The deliverable from the team members at the end of this briefing is a list of the
documents to be reviewed, interviews to be conducted, and activities to be
observed during the review phase.
c. Week 3/Review Process Activities . A one week period was established to conduct the
review. The review consisted of interviews, document reviews, and observations
(primarily attendance at site coordinating meetings when possible). The team conducted
interviews at both the central team location and various facility and administrative offices
throughout the site. Because Rocky Flats is a relatively small site, this posed few
coordinating problems. The one week review period was sufficient, but accomplishing the
Phase I and Phase II activities for the selected buildings was challenging for the team.
Points of Contact (POCs) were provided by the contractor for this review. POCs were
assigned to each functional area sub-team. This was an effective technique to ensure
good coordination for the team and to ensure that issues arising were passed to the
contractor/DOE in an expeditious fashion. The following lessons learned are pertinent to
the review process activities:
Some interviews started on the first day of the review. This is not optimum. Time
should be allowed prior to the start of site personnel interviews for team members
to complete a portion of the record review of the ISMS Description implementing
documents. This allows the team members to tailor and focus lines of inquiry and
individual interview questions. The following is an optimum recommended
Day 1- Read/find requested material
Day 2/3-Interviews
Day 4/5-Observe Evolution/meeting: Identify issues
Day 6-Coordination of comments/follow up on issues
Some interviews were scheduled with multiple team members attending. This
should be avoided. Should it be necessary for more than one team member to be
involved in an interview, team members should agree on an approach to follow
prior to starting the interview. To be most effective, coordination between
members of the same team should also occur.
In the team preparation phase, team members should be briefed on proper
interview techniques. For ISMS verification efforts, it is important to identify the
purpose of the interview at the beginning of the interview session.
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