| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
Personnel Selection and Staffing
Personnel Selection
Each facility should establish a process for the selection and assignment of personnel. The personnel
selection process should include an evaluation of their education, experience, previous training, and
existing job skills and capabilities. It is the responsibility of management to assure that personnel
assigned to a specific job function have the requisite background and/or receive sufficient qualification
training for the job.
In those cases where an individual does not meet the literal experience requirements for the position,
consideration should be given to the collective experience of the work unit. Individuals who do not
meet the experience requirements for a position may be assigned to that position provided the
experience of the overall work unit is considered balanced and strong. In such cases, the decision to
assign the individual should be documented and approved by facility management.
Entry-level education and experience minimums are provided in Appendix D. In addition, each
facility should describe in a procedure methods for accepting alternatives to the specified education
and experience minimums. Examples of alternatives are provided in Appendix D.
Personnel Staffing
The following categories of facility staff are identified as requiring training, qualification, or
certification in order to perform job functions [see Appendix D for definitions]. If qualification or
certification is identified, it should be documented in writing.
1. Operators and their Supervisors - those who operate primary systems (such as those that produce
the fusion reaction) require certification. Those who operate other systems (such as auxiliary
systems) require qualification.
2. Technicians - training
3. Maintenance Personnel - training
4. Supervisors and Managers - training
5. Operations and Facility Support Functions - those who perform engineering or analytical support
functions require training. Those who perform specialized support functions (such as quality
control, radiation control, or emergency response) require qualification.
Training Requirements
Training Matrices
The program for personnel who require only training is typically detailed in a training matrix prepared
in accordance with a facility procedure. This matrix should include the training requirements as
appropriate to the job function.
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